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class Benchling

Benchling object to interact with Benchling API through read and write type methods.


ganymede_context : GanymedeContext
        Ganymede context to get run attributes
benchling_context : BenchlingContext
        Benchling context variable, which stores Benchling connection information
conn : benchling_sdk.benchling.Benchling
        The benchling connection object
run_tag : str
        Tag associated with flow run
custom_entity_service : CustomEntityService
        Benchling custom entity service to create or update custom entities
molecule_service : MoleculeService _ defaults to None, initialized when first used
        Benchling molecule service to create or update molecules

function Benchling.init

Set up the Benchling object


ganymede_context : GanymedeContext
        Ganymede context to get run attributes
benchling_context : Optional[BenchlingContext]
        Benchling context variable, which stores Benchling connection information

function Benchling.list_schemas

Lists schemas, filtered by type if provided


type : Optional[str]
        Schema type - potential values are "custom_entity", "assay_result", "molecule", "plate",
        "aa_sequence", "box", "container", "entry", "location", "mixture", "workflow_task", etc.


        list of schemas

function Benchling.get_schema_id_by_name

Get schema by name


schema_name : str
        Schema name
type : Optional[str]
        Subset search by schema type - potential values are "custom_entity", "assay_result", etc.


        Schema ID for specified schema

function Benchling.create_or_update_custom_entity

Creates custom entity in Benchling.    If the entity does not exist, first create it.


entity_name : str
        Name of new entity to be created
folder_id : str
        Folder ID containing Benchling entity to be created. This should be a string starting
        with "lib_".    If updating a custom entity, specifying the folder ID is optional (if specified,
        moves the custom entity to the specified folder).
schema_id : str
        Input schema ID Tag. schema associated with Benchling entity to be created. This should
        be a string starting with "ts_"
registry_id : str
        Project associated with custom entity.    This identifies the registry that your run
        entity will be registered to.    This can be found by clicking on Avatar - Feature
        Settings - Registry Settings, and you will be able to find it in the URL.    This should
        be a string starting with "src_"
naming_strategy : NamingStrategy
        Naming strategy to use when creating new entities. See NamingStrategy for more details.
custom_entity_fields : Optional[Dict]
        Dictionary of field names and values to associate with custom entity
author_id : Optional[str]
        Author ID to associate with custom entity. Should be a string starting with "ent_"
if_exists : str
        Either "fail" or "update". If "fail", will raise an error if the entity already exists.


Dict[str, str]
        Dictionary with custom entity name as key and custom entity ID as value

function Benchling.create_or_update_custom_entities_bulk

Bulk creates custom entities in Benchling.    If the entity does not exist, first create it.


custom_entities_dataframe : pd.DataFrame
        Dataframe containing custom entities to be created
        Columns should include name_field and all fields in schema
name_field : str
        Name of column in custom_entities_dataframe containing entity names
folder_id : Optional[str]
        Folder ID containing Benchling entity to be created. This should be a string starting
        with "lib_".    If updating a custom entity, specifying the folder ID is optional (if specified,
        moves the custom entity to the specified folder).
schema_id : str
        Input schema ID Tag. schema associated with Benchling entity to be created. This should
        be a string starting with "ts_"
registry_id : str
        Project associated with custom entity.    This identifies the registry that your run
        entity will be registered to.
naming_strategy : NamingStrategy
        Naming strategy to use when creating new entities. See NamingStrategy for more details.
check_for_existing : bool
        Whether or not to check for the existence of the entities in name_field. This is useful to turn off when you know you'll be creating new entities (for example with many naming strategies) and want to avoid many api calls for checking existence of custom entities,
wait : bool
        Whether to wait for the task to complete before returning
error_on_fail : bool
        Whether to raise an error if the task fails
page_size_limit : int
        Maximum number of entities Benchling will return in a single page. Default is 100


Dict[str, List[str]]
        Dictionary with keys "created" and "updated" and values of lists of custom entity IDs

function Benchling.create_or_update_molecule

Creates molecule in Benchling.    If the entity does not exist, first create it.


entity_name : str
        Name of new entity to be created
folder_id : str
        Folder ID containing Benchling entity to be created. This should be a string starting
        with "lib_"
schema_id : str
        Input schema ID Tag. schema associated with Benchling entity to be created. This should
        be a string starting with "ts_"
registry_id : str
        Project associated with custom entity.    This identifies the registry that your run
        entity will be registered to.    This can be found by clicking on Avatar - Feature
        Settings - Registry Settings, and you will be able to find it in the URL.    This should
        be a string starting with "src_"
naming_strategy : NamingStrategy
        Naming strategy to use when creating new entities. See NamingStrategy for more details.
custom_entity_fields : Optional[Dict]
        Dictionary of field names and values to associate with custom entity
author_id : Optional[str]
        Author ID to associate with custom entity. Should be a string starting with "ent_"
molecule_fields : Optional[Dict]
        Dictionary of field names and values to associate with molecule
if_exists : str
        Either "fail" or "update". If "fail", will raise an error if the entity already exists.


molecule : Molecule
        Created molecule object

function Benchling.create_or_update_molecules_bulk

Bulk creates molecules in Benchling.    If the entity does not exist, first create it.


molecules_dataframe : pd.DataFrame
        Dataframe containing molecules to be created
        Columns should include name_field and all fields in schema
name_field : str
        Name of column in molecules_dataframe containing entity names
folder_id : str
        Folder ID containing Benchling entity to be created. This should be a string starting
        with "lib_"
schema_id : str
        Input schema ID Tag. schema associated with Benchling entity to be created. This should
        be a string starting with "ts_"
registry_id : str
        Project associated with custom entity.    This identifies the registry that your run
        entity will be registered to.
naming_strategy : NamingStrategy
        Naming strategy to use when creating new entities. See NamingStrategy for more details.
wait : bool
        Whether to wait for the task to complete before returning
error_on_fail : bool
        Whether to raise an error if the task fails
molecular_structure_field : Optional[str]
        Name of column in molecules_dataframe containing molecular structure
molecular_structure_format : Optional[str]
        Format of molecular structure.    This should be one of ["smiles", "mol-v3000"]
check_for_existing : bool
        Whether or not to check for the existence of the entities in name_field. This is useful to turn off when you know you'll be creating new entities (for example with many naming strategies) and want to avoid many api calls for checking existence of molecules,
page_size_limit : int
        Maximum number of entities Benchling will return in a single page. Default is 100


Dict[str, List[str]]
        Dictionary with keys "created" and "updated" and values of lists of molecule IDs

function Benchling.create_benchling_ids_from_files

Upload blob files to Benchling and return a dictionary of
{blob name: blob ID from Benchling}


files : Dict[str, bytes]
        Files to upload to Benchling
process_file_names : bool
        Use to process file_name for benchling by converting string to lowercase and removing
        periods. Default is False.


Dict[str, Union[Unset, str]]
        Returns a dictionary of IDs from benchling_sdk.models.Blob where the keys are the blob
        names and the benchling IDs are the values


from ganymede_sdk.api.benchling import Benchling  
from ganymede_sdk import Ganymede
import pandas as pd

g = Ganymede()
b = Benchling(g.ganymede_context)

# Get the IDs for two files that are uploaded to Benchling

file_ids = b.create_benchling_ids_from_files(
\{"Filename1.csv": file1, "Filename2.csv": file2\}, process_file_names=True
) # where file_ids.keys() = ['filename1csv', 'filename2csv']"

file_ids = b.create_benchling_ids_from_files(
\{"Filename1.csv": file1, "Filename2.csv": file2\}
) # where file_ids.keys() = ['Filename1.csv', 'Filename2.csv']"

function Benchling.create_assay_results_from_dataframe

Process input DataFrame into assay results for upload to Benchling.


data : pd.DataFrame
        Tabular results of data to send to Benchling. Converted to list of dictionaries for
        each row.
schema_id : str
        ID should contain the Benchling schema ID to write to.    This should be a string starting
        with "assaysch_"
project_id : str
        ID that results will be recorded against.    This should be a string starting with "src_".

        The members of your organization that have access to this project will also have
        visibility to the results that this integration generates.    You can find this ID by
        right clicking on the Project that you have selected, and click on "Copy API ID".
        If you don't see "Copy API ID" as an option, click on your avatar, click Settings,
        and scroll to the bottom and verify that
        "Enable Copy API ID button" is checked.
replace_special_characters : bool
        Replace special characters in column names with underscores to mimic Benchling behavior.
        Default is True.
ignore_na : bool
        If True, drop columns with only nulls prior to upload. Default is True.
error_on_empty_result : bool
        If True, raise an error if the DataFrame is empty. Default is True.
upload : bool
        Whether to upload List[AssayResults] to Benchling
        Keyword args to pass to create_assay_result_from_dict
        drop_na (Optional[bool])


        List of AssayResultCreate's to be uploaded to Benchling


from ganymede_sdk.api.benchling import Benchling  
from ganymede_sdk import Ganymede

g = Ganymede()
b = Benchling(g.ganymede_context)

# Create or update the entity
custom_entity_id = b.create_or_update_custom_entity(
entity_name, folder_id, schema_id, registry_id,
author_id=None, custom_entity_fields=None, if_exists="fail",

# Create file IDs and get dropdown IDs
file_ids = b.create_benchling_ids_from_files(\{"filename1": file1, "filename2": file2\})
dropdown_ids = \{dropdown["name"]: dropdown["id"] for dropdown in b.get("dropdowns")\}

# Use pandas.DataFrame.replace to link entries in your dataframe with Benchling IDs
# or manually add IDs to the dataframe.
dataframe = dataframe.replace(\{**custom_entity_id, **file_ids, **dropdown_ids\})

# Upload dataframe to Benchling as Assay Results
assay_results = b.create_assay_results_from_dataframe(
dataframe, schema_id, project_id, drop_na=True, upload=True

function Benchling.transfer_entities_to_plate

Transfer entities to a plate in Benchling.


plate : Plate
        Plate to transfer entities to. E.g.
                plate_dict = b.get("plates", ids=["plt_efVi6kBw"])[0]         plate = Plate.from_dict(plate_dict)        
                plate_create = PlateCreate(PLATE_96_WELL_SCHEMA_ID, plate_barcode, PROJECT_ID, parent_storage_id=FRIDGE_ID)         plate = b.conn.plates.create(plate_create)        
transfer_df : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame with the following columns:
        - entity_id: str
                ID of the entity to transfer
        - well: str
                Well to transfer entity to. Should be in the format "rowcolumn" (e.g. "A1")
        - volume: float
                Volume of the entity
        - volume_units: str
                Units of the volume. See benchling_sdk.models.ContainerQuantityUnits for options
        - concentration: Optional[float]
                Concentration of the entity
        - concentration_units: Optional[str]
                Units of the concentration
                Valid units are molar (M), mass (g/L), and count (cells/L) concentration units. Otherwise, use U/L units. See ContainerQuantityUnits for options to use in the form f"\{mass or count unit\}/\{volume unit\}"

function Benchling.write_dataframe_to_benchling_table

Uploads Pandas DataFrame to Benchling assay results with specified Benchling table. Please
see for more information. Make sure
there are appropriate permissions to write to the notebook entry.


data : pd.DataFrame
        Tabular results of data to send to Benchling. Converted to list of dictionaries for
        each row.
schema_id : str
        ID should contain the Benchling schema ID to write to.    This should be a string starting
        with "assaysch_"
project_id : str
        ID that results will be recorded against.    This should be a string starting with "src_".

        The members of your organization that have access to this project will also have
        visibility to the results that this integration generates.    You can find this ID by
        right clicking on the Project that you have selected, and click on "Copy API ID".
        If you don't see "Copy API ID" as an option, click on your avatar, click Settings,
        and scroll to the bottom and verify that
        "Enable Copy API ID button" is checked.
table_id : Optional[str]
        ID of the table to write to.    This should be a string starting with "strtbl_". You can
        find this using b.get("entries", id="etr_") or b.get("entries", name="EXP12345678") in
        the apiId field. The default is None.
replace_special_characters : bool
        Replace special characters in column names with underscores to mimic Benchling behavior.
        Default is True.
ignore_na : bool
        If True, drop columns with only nulls prior to upload. Default is True.
error_on_empty_result : bool
        If True, raise an error if the DataFrame is empty. Default is True.
wait : bool
        Whether to wait for the task to complete before returning
        Keyword args to pass to create_assay_result_from_dict
        drop_na (Optional[bool])


        List of task ids for the results uploaded to Benchling.


from ganymede_sdk.api.benchling import Benchling  
from ganymede_sdk import Ganymede

g = Ganymede()
b = Benchling(g.ganymede_context)

# Create or update the entity
custom_entity_id = b.create_or_update_custom_entity(
entity_name, folder_id, schema_id, registry_id,
author_id=None, custom_entity_fields=None, if_exists="fail",

# Create file IDs and get dropdown IDs
file_ids = b.create_benchling_ids_from_files(\{"filename1": file1, "filename2": file2\})
dropdown_ids = \{dropdown["name"]: dropdown["id"] for dropdown in b.get("dropdowns")\}

# Use pandas.DataFrame.replace to link entries in your dataframe with Benchling IDs
# or manually add IDs to the dataframe.
dataframe = dataframe.replace(\{**custom_entity_id, **file_ids, **dropdown_ids\})

# Upload dataframe to Benchling as Assay Results
task_ids = b.write_dataframe_to_benchling_table(
table_id = "strtbl_",
replace_special_characters = True,
ignore_na = True,
error_on_empty_result = True,
wait = True

function Benchling.create_entry

Create a benchling notebook entry in a given folder. Entries can be created from templates
if passed the entry_template_id.


folder_id : str
        The ID of the folder where the entry will be created.
name : str
        The name of the new entry.
author_ids : Union[str, List[str]], optional
        The IDs of the authors of the entry.
custom_fields : models.CustomFields, optional
        Any custom fields to include in the entry.
entry_template_id : str, optional
        The ID of the template to use for the entry. The API ID can be copied from Template
        Collections in Feature Settings.
fields : models.Fields, optional
        The fields to include in the entry.
initial_tables : models.InitialTable, optional
        The initial tables to include in the entry.
schema_id : str, optional
        The ID of the schema to use for the entry.


        The object of the created entry


b = Benchling(ganymede_context)  

entry = b.create_entry(
name="My Entry from Template",

function Benchling.create_lab_auto_result_from_dataframe

Creates lab auto result from DataFrame.


df : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame to create lab auto assay result from.    A typical use case is to upload a DataFrame with 1 row,
        consisting of IDs associated with uploaded images and raw files to associate.
assay_run_id : str
        Assay Run ID to associate with assay result.    This should be a UUID of the form "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        and exists in the event payload for the v2.assayRun.created and v2.assayRun.updated.fields Benchling events.
result_table_name : str
        Name of result table associated with lab auto processor of interest.


        Link to async task result for assay result creation related to lab auto

function Benchling.is_automated_test

Checks if the current test is an automated test.


        True if the test is automated, False otherwise.

function Benchling.get_id_from_dropdown_name

Get a dictionary of dropdown name - dropdown id from dropdown summary info identified by
name. Can pass a dropdown id to look up the id of an option of a dropdown


dropdown_name : str
        Dropdown name to identify id for
        Optional positional arguments to pass to list method of benchling_sdk dropdown service
dropdown_id : Optional[str]
        If supplied, get the ID of an option in the dropdown specified by the dropdown_name. The
        default is None.
        Optional keyword arguments to pass to list method of benchling_sdk dropdown service


Dict[str, str]
        Dictionary of dropdown name - dropdown id for a specified dropdown name. Raises an
        error if dropdown id is not found


from ganymede_sdk.api.benchling import Benchling  
from ganymede_sdk import Ganymede

g = Ganymede()
b = Benchling(g.ganymede_context)

dropdown_id = get_id_from_dropdown_name(
dropdown_id=get_id_from_dropdown_name("Dropdown Name", b.benchling_context),

function Benchling.list_available_services

List available Benchling services


        List of available Benchling services

function Benchling.get_fields_data

Get a pandas dataframe of benchling service field results such as custom_entity and assay
results data.


service : str
        Benchling object service (e.g. - 'custom_entities', 'assay_results')
        Optional arguments to pass to list methods of the benchling service
benchling_filter : Optional[Dict]
        Filter to apply to the list of Benchling objects
        Optional keyword arguments to pass to list methods of the benchling service


        Raise an error if the service argument is not a valid method of benchling_context.conn
        Raise an error if fields is not an attribute of of the service results.


        A dataframe of records returned benchling_context.conn.service.list(_...)


from ganymede_sdk.api.benchling import Benchling  
from ganymede_sdk import Ganymede

g = Ganymede()
b = Benchling(g.ganymede_context)

# Get data frame of fields returned from custom entities and assay_results
df_custom_entity_fields = b.get_fields_data(
"custom_entities", ids=['bfi_1234', 'bfi_5678']
df_assay_result_fields = b.get_fields_data("assay_results", "assaysch_1234")

function Benchling.get

Get all Benchling objects of a specific type, optionally filtered by object attributes


service : str
        Benchling object service (e.g. - 'custom_entities', 'plates', 'entries')
        Optional arguments to pass to list methods of the benchling service
as_dict : bool
        Whether to return each Benchling object as a dictionary. Default is True.
benchling_filter : Optional[Dict]
        Filter to apply to the list of Benchling objects
        Optional keyword arguments to pass to list methods of the benchling service


        Raise an error if the service argument is not a valid method of benchling_context.conn


from ganymede_sdk.api.benchling import Benchling  
from ganymede_sdk import Ganymede

g = Ganymede()
b = Benchling(g.ganymede_context)

# retrieve all custom entities
custom_entities = b.get('custom_entities')

# retrieve all custom entities with specific entity schema
custom_entities = b.get('custom_entities', schema_id='ts_1234')

# retrieve custom entities with names "ent1" and "ent2" (with alternatives)
custom_entities = b.get('custom_entities', names_any_of=['ent1', 'ent2'])
custom_entities = b.get('custom_entities', names_any_of_case_sensitive=['eNt1', 'eNt2'])
custom_entities = b.get('custom_entities', name_includes='ent')

# retrieve custom entities by Benchling IDs
custom_entities = b.get('custom_entities', ids=['bfi_1234', 'bfi_5678'])

# retrieve all custom entities with specific entity schema
# note that author IDs also start with "ent_", like other custom entities
custom_entities = b.get('custom_entities', author_idsany_of=['ent_1234'])

# get a list of entities filtered by schema fields (in this case, a lab instrument)
schema_fields=\{"Serial #": instrument_serial_number\},

# get specific notebook entry by ID
b.get('entries', id='etr_1234')

# retrieve plate named "my_plate_name"
test_plate = b.get('plates', benchling_filter=\{'name': 'my_plate_name'\})[0]

# to get a list of available services (e.g. - plates, custom_entities, etc.)

function Benchling.get_models_to_map

Get a dictionary mapping names to Benchling IDs from a list of dictionaries. This can be
used in conjunction with Benchling.get()


benchling_service_results : str
        Results of the form List[dict] returned from get() where "id" and "name" are common keys
        in the dict.
keys : str
        The key name of the inner dictionaries in the list used to set the key in the returned
values : str
        The key name of the inner dictionaries Used to set the values in the returned dictionary
        Optional keyword arguments to pass to list methods of the benchling service


        Dictionary mapping names to the benchling IDs


from ganymede_sdk.api.benchling import Benchling  
from ganymede_sdk import Ganymede

g = Ganymede()
b = Benchling(g.ganymede_context)

# Get the dropdowns of the form [\{"id": id, "name": name\}]
results = b.get("dropdowns")

# Convert list of dictionaries to dictionary where name is the key and id are the values
# of the form \{name: value\}
dropdown_names_to_ids = b.get_model_to_map(results, keys='name', values='id')

function Benchling.validate_assay_result_schema_names

Validate column names in a DataFrame against an assay result schema.


df : pd.DataFrame
        The DataFrame containing data to be validated against the assay result schema.
assay_result_id : str
        The unique identifier of the assay result schema in Benchling.


        A set of matched field names between the DataFrame and the assay result schema.


        If there are unmatched fields between the DataFrame and the assay result schema.

function Benchling.get_assay_result_schema_table

Retrieve the schema table for an assay result using its ID.


assay_result_id : str
        The unique identifier of the assay result.


        A DataFrame containing the field definitions of the assay result schema.


from ganymede_sdk import Ganymede  
from ganymede_sdk.api.benchling import Benchling

g = Ganymede()
b = Benchling(g.ganymede_context)

result_id = "example_result_id"
schema_table = b.get_assay_result_schema_table(result_id)

function Benchling.archive_custom_entity

Unregisters and Archives a custom entity that has been registered in Benchling Registry.


custom_entity_name : str
        Name of custom entity to archive
reason : EntityArchiveReason, optional
        Reason to archive custom entity, by default "Other"


        Error if method is called in pipeline execution.    The method is only supported
        in editor and analysis notebooks.

function Benchling.archive_assay_result

Archives assay results based on assay result schema and condition.


assay_result_schema_id : str
        Assay result schema ID to archive; should start with 'assaysch_'
app_name : str, optional
        Creator of assay result to filter by, by default "Ganymede App"
filter_fields : Dict[str, str], optional
        Fields on assay result to filter by, specified as a dictionary of field name to field display value
execute : bool
        Whether to execute the archive.    If False, will return assay results to archive.


        Error if method is called in pipeline execution.    The method is only supported
        in editor and analysis notebooks.


        List of assay results to archive

class SchemaError

Raised when the assay result trying to be created does not match the table schema in Benchling